These are the packages that you will need to run the functions defined here. We will call this file using dhr.func
sintax in the following routines.
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import cm
from numba import jit, njit
from scipy.stats import norm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
numba is a compiler developed for python and can make your codes faster. See more about it here.
def income_g(t = 30, d = 29, g = 'treatment', I = 50, M = 10, income = 0, Tm = 30):
This functions will calculte the income for a particular teacher in the model
Tm : int, optional
Month total days, by default 30
d : int, optional
Days worked before de current day (t), by default 29
t : int, optional
Current day, by default 30
g : str, optional
Group in wich the teacher is, can be 'control' or 'treatment', by default 'treatment'
I : int, optional
The amount of incetive per addional day on the money, by default 50
M : int, optional
Days to be on the money, by default 10
income : int, optional
Income in the current period (t), by default 0
This is the income of the teacher in the last day of the month.
if t != Tm:
income = 0
if g == 'control':
income = 1000
if g =='treatment':
income = 500 + (I*max(0,d-M))
return income
def Utility(L = 1,Tm = 30, d = 29, t = 30, g = 'treatment', I = 50, M = 10, beta = 0.03, mu = 4, P = 3, eps = 0):
Utility function
L : int, optional
Leisure decision, by default 1
Tm : int, optional
Month total days, by default 30
d : int, optional
Days worked before de current day (t), by default 29
t : int, optional
Current day, by default 30
g : str, optional
Group in wich the teacher is, can be 'control' or 'treatment', by default 'treatment'
I : int, optional
The amount of incetive per addional day on the money, by default 50
M : int, optional
Days to be on the money, by default 10
beta : float, optional
Coefficient to translate income into utility, by default 0.03
mu : int, optional
Shifter of leisure value, by default 4
P : int, optional
Non-pecuniary cost, by default 3
eps : int, optional
Schock to leisure, by default 0
Utility from leisure decision
u = beta*income_g(Tm = Tm, d = d, t = t, g = g, I = I, M = M) + (mu + eps - P)*L
return u
def VF(L = 1, t = 30, d = 29, g = 'treatment', I = 50, M = 10, probfire = 0.0, F = 0, eve_l = 0, eve_w = 0, beta = 0.03, mu = 4):
Value function
L : int, optional
Leisure decision, by default 1
t : int, optional
Current day, by default 30
d : int, optional
Days worked before de current day (t), by default 29
g : str, optional
Group in wich the teacher is, can be 'control' or 'treatment', by default 'treatment'
I : int, optional
The amount of incetive per addional day on the money, by default 50
M : int, optional
Days to be on the money, by default 10
probfire : float, optional
Probability of getting fired, by default 0.0
F : int, optional
_description_, by default 0
eve_l : int, optional
Expected value of leisure, by default 0
eve_w : int, optional
Expected value of working, by default 0
beta : float, optional
Coefficient to translate income into utility, by default 0.03
mu : int, optional
Shifter of leisure value, by default 4
Maximum value between working and leisure
fired = probfire*F
vf_l = (Utility(L=1, d = d, t = t, beta = beta, mu = mu, g=g, I = I, M = M) + eve_l)
vf_w = (Utility(L=0, d = d, t = t, beta = beta, mu = mu, g=g, I = I, M = M) + eve_w)
worker = (1 - probfire)*(vf_l*L+ vf_w*(1-L))
return max(fired,worker)
def exp_epsilon(eps_mean = 0 , eps_sd = 1, eps_thres = 0.5):
Truncated value
eps_mean : int, optional
mean, by default 0
eps_sd : int, optional
standart deviation, by default 1
eps_thres : float, optional
Threshold calculated by the proba, by default 0.5
Expected value for the truncated distribution
e_exp = eps_mean + (eps_sd*norm.pdf((eps_thres-eps_mean)/eps_sd)/(1-norm.cdf((eps_thres-eps_mean)/eps_sd)));
return e_exp
def model_solution(Tm = 30, g= 'treatment', I = 50, M = 10, beta = 0.03, mu = 4, P = 3):
Solves the model
Tm : int, optional
Month total days, by default 30
g : str, optional
Group in wich the teacher is, can be 'control' or 'treatment', by default 'treatment'
I : int, optional
The amount of incetive per addional day on the money, by default 50
M : int, optional
Days to be on the money, by default 10
beta : float, optional
Coefficient to translate income into utility, by default 0.03
mu : int, optional
Shifter of leisure value, by default 4
P : int, optional
Non-pecuniary cost, by default 3
probs_w : Matrix of probabilities of working
probs_l : Matrix of probabilities of leisure
eps_t : Matrix of thresholds
eve_w : Matrix of expected value of working
eve_l : Matrix of expected value of leisure
vf : Value function matrix
# Probability matrix
probs_w = np.empty((Tm,Tm))
probs_w[:] = np.nan
probs_l = np.empty((Tm,Tm))
probs_l[:] = np.nan
# Threshold matrix
eps_t = np.empty((Tm,Tm))
eps_t[:] = np.nan
# Expected values matrix for L = 1
eve_w = np.empty((Tm,Tm))
eve_w[:] = np.nan
# Expected values matrix
eve_l = np.empty((Tm,Tm))
eve_l[:] = np.nan
# Value function matrix
vf = np.empty((Tm,Tm))
vf[:] = np.nan
for t in range(Tm,-1,-1):
for d in range(0,Tm):
if d >= t:
if t == 30:
eps_t[t-1,d] = beta*(income_g(Tm=Tm, d = d+1, t = t, g=g, I = I, M = M) - \
income_g(Tm=Tm, d = d, t = t, g=g, I = I, M = M))- (mu-P)
eps_t[t-1,d] = vf[t,d+1] - vf[t,d] - (mu-P)
probs_l[t-1,d] = 1 - norm.cdf(eps_t[t-1,d])
probs_w[t-1,d] = 1 - probs_l[t-1,d]
if t == 30:
eve_l[t-1,d] = 0 + exp_epsilon(eps_thres = eps_t[t-1,d])
eve_w[t-1,d] = 0
eve_l[t-1,d] = vf[t,d] + exp_epsilon(eps_thres = eps_t[t-1,d])
eve_w[t-1,d] = vf[t,d+1]
vf[t-1,d] = probs_l[t-1,d]*(VF(L = 1, t = t, d = d, beta = beta, mu = mu, g=g, I = I, M = M, eve_l = eve_l[t-1,d])) \
+ probs_w[t-1,d]*(VF(L = 0, t = t, d = d+1, beta = beta, mu = mu, g=g, I = I, M = M, eve_w = eve_w[t-1,d]))
return probs_w, probs_l, eps_t, eve_w, eve_l, vf
def simulate_data(theta = [0.03,4], M = 10, I = 50, gs = 0, P = 3, Tm = 30, sim_nb = 100, eps_mean = 0, eps_sd = 1):
This functions simulate individuals using the model solution
theta (list, optional): This is a list with two elements, beta and mu, respectively. Defaults to [0.03,4].
M (int, optional): Days to be on money. Defaults to 10.
I (int, optional): Financial Incentive. Defaults to 50.
gs (int, optional): Dummy to simulate control and treatment. Defaults to 0.
P (int, optional): Non pecuniary cost to leisure. Defaults to 3.
Tm (int, optional): Total days in the month. Defaults to 30.
sim_nb (int, optional): Number of simulated individuals. Defaults to 100.
eps_mean (int, optional): Shock mean. Defaults to 0.
eps_sd (int, optional): Shock Standart error. Defaults to 1.
Tuple: Returns a tuple with:
- d_means: Means from datset, treatment and control. This is used for estimation.
- L_dec: Leisure decisions
- d_dec: Days worked in t
- d1_dec: Days worked in t+1
- e_dec: Realized shocks faced
- u_dec: Utility matrix due decisions
- groups_data: Dictionary for control and treatment simulation results
d_means = np.empty((1,2))
d_means[:] = np.nan
groups_data = {}
if gs == 1:
group = ['treatment', 'control']
groups_data['treatment'] = {}
groups_data['control'] = {}
group = ['treatment']
groups_data['treatment'] = {}
for gnb, g in enumerate(group):
_, _, _, _, _, vf = model_solution(beta = theta[0], mu = theta[1], g=g, M=M, I=I)
############################################################################### PARAMETERS - SIMULATION
This simulation will create two tables:
- Days worked in t (d)
- Leisure decsion (L)
mu = theta[1]
############################################################################### SIMULATION
L_dec = np.empty((Tm,sim_nb))
L_dec[:] = np.nan
d_dec = np.empty((Tm,sim_nb))
d_dec[:] = np.nan
d1_dec = np.empty((Tm,sim_nb))
d1_dec[:] = np.nan
e_dec = np.empty((Tm,sim_nb))
e_dec[:] = np.nan
u_dec = np.empty((Tm,sim_nb))
u_dec[:] = np.nan
for s in range(sim_nb):
d = 0
for t in range(30):
d_dec[t,s] = d
if t != 29:
e_shock = np.random.normal(eps_mean, eps_sd)
w = vf[t+1,d+1]
l = e_shock + mu - P + vf[t+1,d]
dec = max(w,l)
u = dec
if dec == w:
dec = 0
dec = 1
if dec == 0:
d += 1
e_shock = np.random.normal(eps_mean, eps_sd)
w = income_g(t+1, d+1, g=g, M=M, I=I)
l = e_shock + income_g(t+1, d, g=g, M=M, I=I)
dec = max(w,l)
u = dec
if dec == w:
dec = 0
dec = 1
if dec == 0:
d += 1
L_dec[t,s] = dec
d1_dec[t,s] = d
e_dec[t,s] = e_shock
u_dec[t,s] = u
d_mean = d1_dec[29,:].mean()
d_means[0,gnb] = d_mean
groups_data[g]['L_dec'] = L_dec
groups_data[g]['d_dec'] = d_dec
groups_data[g]['d1_dec'] = d1_dec
groups_data[g]['e_dec'] = e_dec
groups_data[g]['u_dec'] = u_dec
return d_means, L_dec, d_dec, d1_dec, e_dec, u_dec, groups_data
def dataframe_simulation(theta = [0.03,4], M = 10, I = 50, sim_nb = 100):
This function put the simulation in datasets
sim_nb (int, optional): Number of individuals. Defaults to 100.
Dict: Dictionary with dataframe simulated for treatment and control
datasets = {}
_, _, _, _, _, _, datas = simulate_data(theta, M, I, gs=1, sim_nb=sim_nb)
for g in ['treatment','control']:
data = datas[g]
simulated_data = []
for i in range(sim_nb):
s = {}
s['id'] = i
s['t'] = list(range(1,31))
s['d+1'] = list(data['d1_dec'][:,i])
s['d'] = list(data['d_dec'][:,i])
s['L'] = list(data['L_dec'][:,i])
s['eps'] = list(data['e_dec'][:,i])
s['U'] = list(data['u_dec'][:,i])
s = pd.DataFrame(s)
simulated_data = pd.concat(simulated_data, axis = 0).reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1)
datasets[g] = simulated_data
return datasets
def discrete_probs(theta = [0.03,4], Tm = 30, M=10, I = 50):
This function creates a matrix with the probabilities
theta (list, optional): This is a list with two elements, beta and mu, respectively. Defaults to [0.03,4].
Tm (int, optional): Total days in the month. Defaults to 30.
DataFrame: Matrix with probabilities
probs_w, _, _, _, _, _ = model_solution(beta = theta[0], mu = theta[1], M = M, I = I)
prob_sim = np.zeros((Tm,Tm))
prob_sim[0,0] = 1 #P(t = 1, d = 0)
for t in range(1,Tm):
for d in range(t):
prob_mass = prob_sim[t-1,d] # Mass of teacher in t = t-1, d = d
prob_w_t_d = probs_w[t-1,d] # P(L = 0 | t = t-1, d = d)
if np.isnan(prob_w_t_d): # Maybe is not possible, but I defined as nan in the model solution
prob_w_t_d = 0
prob_sim[t,d] = prob_sim[t,d] + (1-prob_w_t_d)*prob_mass # Adding the 0 to the teachers proportion multiplied by the conditional prob to leisure
prob_sim[t,d+1] = prob_sim[t,d+1] + prob_w_t_d*prob_mass # Same as (214) but now with prob to work
return prob_sim
def Log_likelihood(data, b_guess, mu_guess, n = 10, group = 'treatment'):
This function does the log likehood iteration for the estimation using the parameters grid
data (_type_): Data simulated for the group of choice
b_guess (_type_): Lower bound for beta guess
mu_guess (_type_): Lower bound for mu guess
n (int, optional): Size of the grid. Defaults to 10.
group (str, optional): Group of simulation. Defaults to 'treatment'.
Dataframe: Dataframe with parameters and log likelihood result
log_values = []
sim = 1
for b in b_guess:
for m in mu_guess:
dic = {}
probs_w, probs_l, _, _, _, _, = model_solution(beta = b, mu = m, g = 'treatment');
logL = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
t = int(data[i]['t'])
d = int(data[i]['d'])
L = int(data[i]['L'])
likelihood = np.log(probs_w[t-1,d])*(1-L)+ np.log(probs_l[t-1,d])*L
logL = logL + likelihood
dic['beta'] = b
dic['mu'] = m
dic['likelihood'] = logL
sim += 1
return pd.DataFrame(log_values)
def opt_likelihood(data,theta):
This is the Log likelihood used for the optimizer
data (_type_): Dataset used
theta (_type_): Initial guess
float: Log likelihood result
probs_w, probs_l = model_solution(beta = theta[0], mu = theta[1]);
logL = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
t = int(data[i]['t'])
d = int(data[i]['d'])
L = int(data[i]['L'])
likelihood = np.log(probs_w[t-1,d])*(1-L)+ np.log(probs_l[t-1,d])*L
logL = logL + likelihood
return -logL
def root_calibration(theta):
d_mean_c0 = 5.2
d_mean_t0 = 20.82
This function find the parameters that calibrate the model
theta (_type_): Initial values for the parameters
List: Parameters combination in a list
means, _, _, _, _, _, _, = simulate_data(theta, M = 10, I = 50, gs = 1)
f = ( means[0,1] - d_mean_c0)**2 + (means[0,0] - d_mean_t0)**2
return f
def exp_cost_days(Tm = 30, beta = 0.03, mu = 4, M = 10, I = 50, g = 'treatment'):
This function creates a DataFame with the expected cost conditional on the expected days worked by teachers
Tm (int, optional): Total number of days in the month. Defaults to 30.
beta (float, optional): Parameter value of beta. Defaults to 0.03.
mu (int, optional): Parameter value of mu. Defaults to 4.
M (int, optional): Days to be on money. Defaults to 10.
I (int, optional): Financial incentive for additional day worked. Defaults to 50.
g (str, optional): Group simulated. Defaults to 'treatment'.
DataFrame: Returns a data frame with costs conditional on expected days worked
frame = []
probs_w = model_solution(Tm=Tm, g = g, I = I, M = M, beta = beta, mu = mu)[0]
probs = discrete_probs(theta=[beta, mu], M = M, I = I)
incomes = np.empty((1,Tm))
incomes[:] = np.nan
ec = 0
for day in range(30):
dic ={}
pw = (income_g(M = M, I = I, g = g, d = day+1)) * (probs[29,day] *probs_w[29,day])
pl = (income_g(M = M, I = I, g = g, d = day))* (probs[29,day]*(1 - probs_w[29,day]))
c = pw + pl
dic['Day'] = day
dic['C'] = c
ec = ec + c
dic['Day'] = 'Expected Cost'
dic['C'] = ec
frame = pd.DataFrame(frame)
return frame
def countour_data(n1,n2):
m = np.linspace(1,20,num = n1)
i = np.linspace(20,100, num = n2)
counter = 0
Ip = np.empty((n2,n1))
Mp = np.empty((n2,n1))
Cp = np.empty((n2,n1))
Dp = np.empty((n2,n1))
for inb,incentive in enumerate(i):
Ip[inb,:] = incentive
for mn,money in enumerate(m):
Mp[:,mn] = 30 - money
for inb,incentive in enumerate(i):
for mn,money in enumerate(m):
print('Combination '+ str(counter) + ' of ' + str(n1*n2))
fr = exp_cost_days(M=money, I=incentive)
exc = fr.loc[fr['Day'] =='Expected Cost']['C'].item()
exd = simulate_data(theta = [0.03,4], M=money, I=incentive)[0][0,0]
Cp[inb,mn] = exc
Dp[inb,mn] = exd
counter += 1
return Mp, Ip, Cp, Dp
def simulation_plot(s_plot = 5, nb_sim = 100, p = 'nipy_spectral_r', sim_nb = [0,20,40,60,80,99], group = 'treatment'):
d_means, L_dec, d_dec, d1_dec, e_dec, u_dec, _= simulate_data()
sims = []
for s in sim_nb:
plot_frame = {}
plot_frame['Day of month (t)'] = list(range(1,31))
plot_frame['Days worked until t (d)'] = list(d_dec[:,s])
sim = pd.DataFrame(plot_frame)
sim['Simulation'] = s
sims = pd.concat(sims, axis = 0).reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1)
sns.lineplot(data = sims, x = sims.columns[0], y = sims.columns[1], hue = sims.columns[2], palette= 'nipy_spectral_r' ).set(title = 'Simulation Histories')
sns.despine(left=False, bottom=False)
if group == 'treatment':
plotname = 'simulation_histories_'+str(s_plot)+'_sim_control.png'
plotname = 'simulation_histories_'+str(s_plot)+'_sim_control.png'
def t_graphs(t_plot = 5, p = 'nipy_spectral_r', ts = [0,10,15,20,25,29], group = 'treatment'):
probs_w, probs_l, eps_t, eve_w, eve_l, vf = model_solution()
prob_sim = discrete_probs()
t_frames = []
for t in ts:
plot_frame = {}
plot_frame['Days worked so far'] = list(range(t+1))
plot_frame['EV (t,d)'] = list(vf[t,:t+1])
plot_frame['Probability of days worked contional on t'] = list(prob_sim[t,:t+1])
plot_frame['Probability of working given (t,d)'] = list(probs_w[t,:t+1])
sim = pd.DataFrame(plot_frame)
sim['Last day of month'] = t
# PLot EVs
ts_frames = pd.concat(t_frames, axis = 0).reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1)
sns.lineplot(data = ts_frames, x = ts_frames.columns[0], y = ts_frames.columns[1], hue = ts_frames.columns[-1], palette= 'nipy_spectral_r' ).set(title = 'EV(t,d), x=days-attended, z=days-attended-so-far')
sns.despine(left=False, bottom=False)
if group == 'treatment':
plotname = 'EVs.png'
plotname = 'EVs_control.png'
# Plot Probability of days worked
sns.lineplot(data = ts_frames, x = ts_frames.columns[0], y = ts_frames.columns[2], hue = ts_frames.columns[-1], palette= 'nipy_spectral_r' ).set(title = 'Prob(d|t), x=days-attended, y=probability')
sns.despine(left=False, bottom=False)
if group == 'treatment':
plotname = 'prob_days_worked.png'
plotname = 'prob_days_worked_control.png'
# Plot Probability of working
sns.lineplot(data = ts_frames, x = ts_frames.columns[0], y = ts_frames.columns[3], hue = ts_frames.columns[-1], palette= 'nipy_spectral_r' ).set(title = 'Prob(L=0|t,d), x=days-attended, y=probability')
sns.despine(left=False, bottom=False)
if group == 'treatment':
plotname = 'prob_working.png'
plotname = 'prob_working_control.png'
def contours_plots(x,y,z,color =, ap = 0.5, var = 'cost'):
contours = ax.contourf(x, y, z, 10, cmap = color, alpha = ap)
ax.set_title('Expected Cost Contour')
ax.set_xlabel('M = Days to be on money')
ax.set_ylabel('I = Financial incentive')
plotname = 'expected_'+var+'_shades.png'
contours = ax.contour(x, y, z, 10, cmap = color, alpha = 0.5)
ax.clabel(contours, inline=True, fontsize = 7)
ax.set_title('Expected '+var+ ' Contour')
ax.set_xlabel('30 - M = Days out of money')
ax.set_ylabel('I = Financial incentive')
plotname = 'expected_'+var+'_curves.png'