
These are the packages that you will need to run the functions defined here. We will call this file using ams.func sintax in the following routines.

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

numba is a compiler developed for python and can make your codes faster. See more about it here.

def wage(age = 10, edu = 5, 
        w_ag_j = 27.6, q = -0.983 , a1 = 0.066 , a2 = 0.0166, b_w_ag = 0.883):
    This function aims to estimate the wage for the village where the child lives

        age (int, optional): Child age  Defaults to 10.
        edu (int, optional): Child education. Defaults to 5.
        w_ag_j (float, optional): Adults wage in the village. Defaults to 27.6.
        q (float, optional): Intercept. Defaults to -0.983.
        a1 (float, optional): Age coefficient. Defaults to 0.066.
        a2 (float, optional): Education coefficient. Defaults to 0.0166.
        b_w_ag (float, optional): Adults wage coefficient. Defaults to 0.0166.

        w (float): This is the log wage base in the village where the child lives
    w =  (q + a1*age + a2*edu + b_w_ag*np.log(w_ag_j))
    return w
def grant(edu = 5, gender = 'girl'):
    This function aims to return the payment received by a child based on the payment schedule 
    defined for PROGRESSA (Table 1)
        edu (int, optional): Child Education. Defaults to 5.
        gender (str, optional): Child gender. The program has different payment schedules by
                                gender, can be 'girl' or 'boy'. Defaults to 'girl'.

        g (int): The amount payed for the child
    Defining the payment structure for boys and girl in 1998 1st semester
    grant_b = {
        3 : 130,        4 : 150,        5 : 190,    6 : 260,    
        7 : 380,        8 : 400,        9 : 420
    grant_f = {  
        3 : 130,        4 : 150,        5 : 190,        6 : 260,
        7 : 400,        8 : 440,        9 : 480
    Check the gender and define the structure to get the payment (g)
    if gender == 'girl':
        grant_payment = grant_f
        grant_payment = grant_b
        g = grant_payment[edu]
        g = 0
    return g

def budget_constraint(age, edu, school = 1, gender = 'girl', group = 'treatment',
           g = 3.334, b_progressa = 0.0605, hr_day = 7.9, days = 5.1, weeks = 1.7, days_weeks = 14):
    This function returns the child budget constraint living in a village, conditional on working or 
    going to school

        age (int): Child age.
        edu (int): Child education.
        school (int, optional): School or Work. Defaults to 1.
        gender (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to 'girl'.
        group (str, optional): In the treatment or control group. Defaults to 'treatment'.
        g (float, optional): Coefficient in the utility for the grant. Defaults to 3.334.
        b_progressa (float, optional): Progressa dummy coefficient. Defaults to 0.0605
        hr_day (float, optional): Average hours worked per day. Defaults to 7.9.
        days (float, optional): Average days worked. Defaults to 5.1.
        weeks (int, optional): Average weeks worked. Defaults to 2.
        days_weeks (int, optional): Days in the weeks worked. Defaults to 14.

        b (float): The budget constraint of the child in a particular village
    if group == 'treatment':
        b = (1-school)*((np.exp(wage(age, edu) + b_progressa)*(hr_day*days*weeks))/(days_weeks)) + school*g*grant(edu,gender)/(days_weeks)
        b = ((1-school)*np.exp((wage(age, edu)))*(hr_day*days*weeks))/(days_weeks) 
    return b

def edu_cost(age = 10, edu = 5,  mom_edu = 1, cost_sec = 9.5,
             sec = 0, μ = -8.7060, b_age = 2.291, b_mom = -0.746, b_edu = -0.983, b_sec = 0.007):
    This function returns the child cost of going to school     

        age (int, optional): Child age. Defaults to 10.
        mom_edu (int, optional): Mother's education. Defaults to 1.
        edu (int, optional):  Child education. Defaults to 5.
        cost_sec (float, optional): Cost. Defaults to 9.5.
        sec (int, optional): If the child is attending secondary school. Defaults to 1.
        μ (float,optional): Shifter coefficient for the child. Defaults to -9.706.
        b_age (float, optional): Age coefficient. Defaults to 2.291.
        b_mom (float,optional): Mother background coefficient. Defaults to -0.746. 
        b_edu (float,optional): Education coefficient. Defaults to -0.983.
        b_sec (float,optional): Secondary education coefficient. Defaults to 0.007.

        cost (float): The cost of going to school for the child
    if edu > 6:
        sec = 1
    cost = μ + b_mom*mom_edu + b_age*age + b_edu*edu + b_sec*cost_sec*sec
    return cost

def utility(age = 10, edu = 5, school = 1, ϵ = 0, δ = 0.134, μ = -8.706):
    This function measures the utility gain for the child based on the choice of schooling or working

        school (int, optional): School or Work. Defaults to 1.
        edu (int, optional): Child education. Defaults to 5.
        age (int, optional): Child age. Defaults to 10.
        g (float, optional): Coefficient in the utility for the grant. Defaults to 3.334.
        δ (float, optional): Coefficient in the utility for the grant. Defaults to 0.134.
        μ (float, optional): Coefficient in the utility for the grant. Defaults to -8.706.
        ϵ (float, optional): Shock for school taste
        u (float): Utility gain from the decision
    u = ((δ*budget_constraint(age, edu, school)) - edu_cost(age, edu, μ = μ) + ϵ)*school + (δ*budget_constraint(age, edu, school))*(1 - school)
    return u

def terminal_v(α1 = 356.3809 , α2 = 0.2792, edu = 5):

    This function measures the utility gain of completing a determined x years of education bt age 18

        edu (int, optional): Child education. Defaults to 5.
        α1  (int, optional): Parameter 1. Defaults to 5.876
        α2  (int, optional): Parameter 2. Defaults to -1.276
        tv (float) : Terminal value 
    tv = α1/(1 + np.exp(-α2*edu))
    return tv

def value_function(age = 10, edu = 5, school = 1, EV = np.nan, b = 0.9):
    Value function

        age (int, optional): age of child. Defaults to 10.
        edu (int, optional): education of child. Defaults to 5.
        school (int, optional): school choice. Defaults to 1.
        EV (float, optional): ev for next period. Defaults to np.nan.
        b (float, optional): discount. Defaults to 0.9.

        float: valu function value   
    v = utility(age, edu, school) + b*EV
    return v

def logistic(eps = 0.0):
    Logistic function

        eps (float, optional): epsilon value. Defaults to 0.0.

        float: value for cdf until eps
    l = 1/(1+np.exp(-(eps)))
    return l

def trunc_change(eps = 0.0):
    This function transforms the variable to do integration

        eps (float, optional): epsilon value. Defaults to 0.

        float: variable transformed
    x = (1+np.exp(-eps))**(-1)
    return x

def trunc_school(ϵ_threshold = 0.0, u_threshold = 5.0):
    Truncated value from x threshold to +∞, where the child goes to school

        ϵ_threshold (float, optional): 
        u_threshold (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 5.
        float: truncated value calculated
    t =  (u_threshold*np.log((1-u_threshold)/u_threshold) - np.log(1-u_threshold))\
    return t

def prob_progress(edu=0):
    Progress of education function

        edu (int, optional): education level. Defaults to 0.

        float: probability of progress
    if edu<=6:
        p = 0.9
        p = 0.75
    return p

def solution(age_max = 10): 
    # Probabilities of working
    probs_w = np.empty((age_max,age_max)) 
    probs_w[:] = np.nan         

    # Probabilities of school
    probs_s = np.empty((age_max,age_max)) 
    probs_s[:] = np.nan   

    # Threshold matrix
    eps_t = np.empty((age_max,age_max)) 
    eps_t[:] = np.nan         

    # Expected values matrix for L = 1 
    eve_w  = np.empty((age_max,age_max)) 
    eve_w[:] = np.nan              

    # Expected values matrix for L = 0 
    eve_s = np.empty((age_max,age_max)) 
    eve_s[:] = np.nan   

    # Value function matrix
    vf = np.empty((age_max,age_max)) 
    vf[:] = np.nan  

    for age in range(age_max,-1,-1):
        for edu in range(0,age_max):
            if edu >= age:
                # For the threshold we will use the terminal value to capture the value of an specifiy education level in terms of utility  
                if age == age_max: #last period situation
                    tv_s =  prob_progress(edu)*(terminal_v(edu = edu+1)) + (1 - prob_progress(edu))*(terminal_v(edu = edu)) 
                    tv_w =  terminal_v(edu = edu)
                    eps_t[age-1,edu] = value_function(age,edu,1, EV = tv_s) - value_function(age,edu,0, EV = tv_w)
                else:                #Other periods will take the difference between value functions
                    tv_s = prob_progress(edu)*(vf[age, edu+1]) + (1 - prob_progress(edu))*(vf[age,edu])
                    tv_w = vf[age, edu]
                    eps_t[age-1,edu] = value_function(age,edu,1, EV = tv_s) - value_function(age,edu,0, EV = tv_w)
                # Now we will calcute the probabilities of schooling and working based on the thresholds                     
                probs_s[age-1,edu] = logistic(eps = eps_t[age-1,edu])
                probs_w[age-1,edu] = 1 - probs_s[age-1,edu]
                # Using the thresholds we will calculate the EVs
                if age == age_max:
                    u_t = trunc_change(eps = eps_t[age-1,edu])
                    eve_s[age-1,edu] = value_function(age,edu,1, EV = tv_s) + trunc_school(ϵ_threshold = eps_t[age-1,edu], u_threshold = u_t)
                    eve_w[age-1,edu] = value_function(age,edu,0, EV = tv_w)
                    u_t = trunc_change(eps = eps_t[age-1,edu])
                    eve_s[age-1,edu] = value_function(age,edu,1, EV = tv_s) + trunc_school(ϵ_threshold = eps_t[age-1,edu], u_threshold = u_t)
                    eve_w[age-1,edu] = value_function(age,edu,0, EV = tv_w)
                vf[age-1,edu] = probs_s[age-1,edu]*eve_s[age-1,edu] + probs_w[age-1,edu]*eve_w[age-1,edu]
    return probs_w, probs_s, eps_t, eve_w, eve_s, vf

def simulation(sim = 100, age_start = 6, age_max = 10, ϵ_mean = 0, ϵ_sd = 1, β = 0.9):
    This function simulates individuals using the AMS model solution as base

        sim (int, optional): Number of individuals to be simulated. Defaults to 100.
        age_start (int, optional): Starting age. Defaults to 6.
        age_max (int, optional): Max number of years in adding to age_start (in this case 6 + 10 = 15)
                                 15 years old is the last year simulated. Defaults to 10.
        ϵ_mean (float, optional): Shock mean. Defaults to 0.
        ϵ_sd   (float, optional): Shock standart deviation. Defaults to 1.
        β      (float, optional): Discount factor. Defaults to 0.9
        DataFrame: Simulated dataframe
    probs_w, probs_s, eps_t, eve_w, eve_s, vf = solution()

    # Creating matrices to store our results and create a dataframe with our individual
    # School decision
    S_dec = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    S_dec[:] = np.nan   

    # Education level (current period)
    ed_cur = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    ed_cur[:] = np.nan   

    # Education level (next period)
    ed_next = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    ed_next[:] = np.nan   

    # Age 
    age_c = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    age_c[:] = np.nan

    # Shock
    eps = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    eps[:] = np.nan

    # Utility 
    U = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    U[:] = np.nan  

    # Comsumption
    C = np.empty((age_max,sim))
    C[:] = np.nan
    # Now we will loop our simulated individuals using the probability matrices obtained using the model solution code.

    for s in range(sim):
        # All the individuals start with no education
        edu = 0          
        for age in range(age_max):
            # Actual child's age
            age_c[age,s] = age_start + age
            ed_cur[age,s] = edu
            # Random shock to education cost
            e_shock = np.random.logistic(loc = ϵ_mean, scale = ϵ_sd)
            # Random shock to primary education sucess  
            e_sucess = np.random.uniform()    
            if age == age_max - 1:
                s_ev = prob_progress(edu)*terminal_v(edu=edu+1) + (1 - prob_progress(edu))*terminal_v(edu=edu)
                w_ev = terminal_v(edu=edu)
                s_ev = prob_progress(edu)*vf[age+1, edu+1] + (1 - prob_progress(edu))*vf[age+1,edu] 
                w_ev = vf[age+1, edu]
            # Utility for choices                          
            school = utility(age, edu, school=1, ϵ = e_shock) + β*s_ev
            work   = utility(age, edu, school=0, ϵ = e_shock) + β*w_ev
            # Decision that max utility for individual
            dec = max(school, work)                                       
            u = dec
            if u == school:
                if e_sucess <= prob_progress(edu):
                    suc = 1
                    suc = 0
                ed_next[age,s] = edu + suc
                C[age,s] = budget_constraint(age, edu, school=1)
                U[age,s] = dec
                S_dec[age,s] = 1
                suc = 0
                ed_next[age,s] = edu + suc
                C[age,s] = budget_constraint(age, edu, school=0)
                U[age,s] = dec
                S_dec[age,s] = 0
            eps[age,s] = e_shock
            edu = edu + suc
    # Now we can use the data created to build our dataframe
    simulated_data = []
    for i in range(sim):
        s = {}
        s['id'] = i
        s['age']  = list(range(6,16))
        s['edu']  = list(ed_cur[:,i])
        s['edu_next'] = list(ed_next[:,i])
        s['School']  = list(S_dec[:,i])
        s['eps']  = list(eps[:,i])
        s['U']  = list(U[:,i])
        s['C']  = list(C[:,i])
        s = pd.DataFrame(s)
    simulated_data = pd.concat(simulated_data, axis = 0).reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1)
    return simulated_data