This page estimates the model parameters. We will do this in two steps:
Remember that dhr.func
is the sintax that calls the file with the functions see before.
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import dhr_functions as dhr
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
Calling the simulated data for the treatment#
First we will call our simulated data using the function and transform in a dictionary. The dictionary makes
the estimation faster. The dataframe_simulation function creates two dataset (control and treatment) and put them
in a dictionary to return. dataset
is going to store this dictionary.
dataset = dhr.dataframe_simulation()
id | t | d+1 | d | L | eps | U | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.572858 | 50.736634 |
1 | 0 | 2 | 2.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.154607 | 50.538425 |
2 | 0 | 3 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.889621 | 51.730462 |
3 | 0 | 4 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 0.0 | -0.613751 | 48.642785 |
4 | 0 | 5 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 0.0 | -0.192819 | 48.444930 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2995 | 99 | 26 | 18.0 | 17.0 | 0.0 | 0.194402 | 33.791186 |
2996 | 99 | 27 | 19.0 | 18.0 | 0.0 | -1.103202 | 33.593390 |
2997 | 99 | 28 | 20.0 | 19.0 | 0.0 | -0.675562 | 33.395593 |
2998 | 99 | 29 | 21.0 | 20.0 | 0.0 | -1.585189 | 33.197797 |
2999 | 99 | 30 | 22.0 | 21.0 | 0.0 | 0.482229 | 1100.000000 |
3000 rows × 7 columns
Select the group you want and take it from the dictionary. We will use the treatment.
data = dataset['treatment'].to_dict('records')
Example with initial values#
Now, set the initial values for the estimation, the list is [beta, theta]. After determining this, call the model solution to extract the probabilities of working and leisure.
probs_w, probs_l, _, _, _, _, = dhr.model_solution(beta = theta[0], mu = theta[1]);
Now we will calculate the Maximum Likelihood for a specific initial value. This will be repeated multiple times in the estimation in order to find the minimu log likelihood value.
logL = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
t = int(data[i]['t'])
d = int(data[i]['d'])
L = int(data[i]['L'])
likelihood = np.log(probs_w[t-1,d])*(1-L)+ np.log(probs_l[t-1,d])*L
logL = logL + likelihood
Now, check the value
Our estimation wants to minimize this, in order to match the model solution and the simulated data. Let’s see this in two ways:
Using a grid of parametes values
Grid of values#
We will create a grid of values for beta and mu. After that, we will compute the Likelihood of the combinations and pick the combination that generates the lowest value.
n = 10
b_guess = np.linspace(0.01, 0.04,n)
mu_guess = np.linspace(3, 4.5,n)
Above I create a grid with 10 values each for beta and mu. Let’s compute the Likelihoods. I will use a function called Log_likelihood(), wich computes and stores parameters combinations and repective likelihood values in a dataframe.
start = time.perf_counter()
log_values = dhr.Log_likelihood(data, b_guess, mu_guess)
maxL = log_values['likelihood'].max()
optb = round(log_values.loc[ log_values['likelihood'] == maxL]['beta'].item(),2)
optmu = round(log_values.loc[ log_values['likelihood'] == maxL]['mu'].item(),2)
end = time.perf_counter()
Let’s see the result
print('optimun beta:' + str(optb) +'\noptimun mu:' + str(optmu))
print("Elapsed (with compilation) = {}s".format((end - start)))
optimun beta:0.03
optimun mu:4.0
Elapsed (with compilation) = 10.396148917000001s
The result is exaclty the parameters estimated in the model. Now, lets plot this and see graphically.
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 500
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 500
sns.despine(left=False, bottom=True)
<Figure size 3200x2400 with 0 Axes>
Above I just defined settings to improve plotting quality
sns.lineplot(data = log_values, x = 'mu', y = (log_values['likelihood']*-1), hue = 'beta', palette= 'nipy_spectral_r' ).set(title = 'Estimation using Likelihood Minimization')
sns.despine(left=False, bottom=False)
Now, use a minimizer (here minimize
from scipy package) to find the parameters values that minimizes the log likelihood.
We need to define the function used to estimate the logLikelihood and put this as an argument of the function (opt_likelihood
Also, we need to choose the initial guess and method.
def opt_likelihood(theta):
probs_w, probs_l, _, _, _, _, = dhr.model_solution(beta = theta[0], mu = theta[1]);
logL = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
t = int(data[i]['t'])
d = int(data[i]['d'])
L = int(data[i]['L'])
likelihood = np.log(probs_w[t-1,d])*(1-L)+ np.log(probs_l[t-1,d])*L
logL = logL + likelihood
return -logL
start = time.perf_counter()
resu = minimize(opt_likelihood, theta, method = "SLSQP" )
end = time.perf_counter()
/Users/angelosantos/Documents/GitHub/human-capital/websites/hc_routines/myst/dhr/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
e_exp = eps_mean + (eps_sd*norm.pdf((eps_thres-eps_mean)/eps_sd)/(1-norm.cdf((eps_thres-eps_mean)/eps_sd)));
/var/folders/sb/z5dkqpwn7pzchsbq06rbbm9w0000gn/T/ipykernel_16298/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
likelihood = np.log(probs_w[t-1,d])*(1-L)+ np.log(probs_l[t-1,d])*L
/var/folders/sb/z5dkqpwn7pzchsbq06rbbm9w0000gn/T/ipykernel_16298/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
likelihood = np.log(probs_w[t-1,d])*(1-L)+ np.log(probs_l[t-1,d])*L
/Users/angelosantos/Documents/GitHub/human-capital/websites/hc_routines/myst/dhr/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
e_exp = eps_mean + (eps_sd*norm.pdf((eps_thres-eps_mean)/eps_sd)/(1-norm.cdf((eps_thres-eps_mean)/eps_sd)));
/Users/angelosantos/Documents/GitHub/human-capital/websites/hc_routines/myst/dhr/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
vf[t-1,d] = probs_l[t-1,d]*(VF(L = 1, t = t, d = d, beta = beta, mu = mu, g=g, I = I, M = M, eve_l = eve_l[t-1,d])) \
Now, print the results and see that the values that minimize the function are close to beta = 0.03 and mu = 4, the estimated values from the paper.
print('Optimun beta:' + str(round(resu.x[0],2)) + "\n" + 'Optimun mu:' + str(round(resu.x[1],2)))
print("Elapsed (with compilation) = {}s".format((end - start)))
Optimun beta:0.03
Optimun mu:3.93
Elapsed (with compilation) = 5.028053667s